Where to put cs source textures
Where to put cs source textures

get depth from depth texture float depth = tex2D(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv).r Īfter doing this and starting the game, chances are high that the game looks mostly black. (you can read up on bitmasks if you’re curious how that works) We could just set it to render the depth buffer, but what we’re going to do is take the existing value and take a bit-or with the flag we want to set, this way we don’t overwrite the flags other scripts might set to render their own effects.

where to put cs source textures

This is done via the depthtexture mode flags. We will expand it so when it starts up it will look for the camera on the same gameobject as itself and tell it to generate a depth buffer for us to use. The first thing we expand is the C# script which inserts our material into the rendering pipeline. We will start this with the files we made in the simple postprocessing tutorial and go from there. To understand how postprocessing effects with access to the depth buffer work it’s best to understand how postprocessing works in general in unity.

where to put cs source textures

It’s a texture in which the distance of pixels from the camera is saved in. One important tool to do more advanced effects is access to the depth buffer. In the last tutorial I explained how to do very simple postprocessing effects.

Where to put cs source textures