How to copy and paste in word on android phone
How to copy and paste in word on android phone

how to copy and paste in word on android phone

You can use this to copy and paste text in your web browser, messages app, dialer or any other third party app that supports copying and pasting text. This is the default way of copying and pasting text on Android devices and this method will work on all Android devices, as this is a built-in software feature. Since there are no physical keyboards or track-pads available on the latest Android devices, you might think that editing text is hectic on Android due to the touch screen controls, but using the methods below, you won’t even remember your keyboard or mouse while copying and pasting text. Using this guide, you’ll learn how to copy and paste on Android, and once you do it a couple of times, you’ll be able to it in seconds.

How to copy and paste in word on android phone